Building a Ferry Boat
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Building a Ferry Boat
Shipbuilding was a career in which African Americans were frequently employed in Delaware in the early 20th century.
This photograph shows African American men working on the planking of a ferry boat's hull under construction by Jackson & Sharp Co. of Wilmington, Delaware in 1922.
Wilmington, Delaware
Business, Labor & Commerce
Transportation & Travel
Jackson and Sharp Company
Physical dimensions: Unknown
Digital dimensions: 669x572px
Gelatin silver print (presumed)
Delaware Department of State
The copyright and related rights status of this item has not been evaluated. Please refer to the organization that has made the Item available (noted above in Publisher and Identifier) for more information.
Prior written permission is required for any use of the images in this collection from the Delaware Public Archives. Please contact the Delaware Public Archives with the Resource Identifier number and the Collection.
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