Native Americans Meeting
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Illustration/Wood Engraving
Native Americans Meeting
Depictions of Native American life by Euro-Americans often incorporate their biases and stereotypes as much as, or more than, accurate details.
Illustration of a group of Native Americans by Felix Octavius Carr Darley, a well-known illustrator in the 1800s who lived and worked in Claymont, Delaware. Many of Darley's works depicted Indigenous Americans, and although more research needs to be done on this example its style suggests it may have been a sketch related to the series later published as Scenes of Indian Life in 1843.
Felix Octavius Carr Darley (1822–1888)
Physical dimensions:
Composition: 4 1/2 × 3 in. (11.4 × 7.6 cm)
Sheet: 7 × 5 1/2 in. (17.8 × 14 cm)
Digital dimensions: 392 x 499 pixels
Delaware Art Museum
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