Confederate Banner
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Confederate Banner
This item highlights longstanding ignorance of the injustice of racism in the United States.
This Confederate banner reads "OUR CAUSE IS JUST/ OUR UNION PERFECT." The banner was captured at the Battle of Vicksburg in Mississippi.
The quote is from Delawarean John Dickinson's "Declaration by the Representatives of the United Colonies of North America, Now Met in Congress in Philadelphia, Setting Forth the Causes and Necessity of Their Taking Up Arms, July 6, 1775," which was written for George Washington to read to his troops. This quote was appropriated by both the Union and Confederacy, since both sides thought of themselves as custodians of the legacy of 1776. During both the Revolution and the Civil War, most White Americans considered their cause just regardless of their position on slavery and racial inequality.
The lower edge of this banner has hand-written text: "Presented by S.S. Grubb. Rebel badge captured at Vicksburg."
Vicksburg, Mississippi (place of creation)
Civil War, Racism, Confederacy, John Dickinson
Physical dimensions: 51.5"L x 11.25"W x 1.5"D
Digital dimensions: 639.984x169px
Grosgrain silk; linen ties
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