David M'Closkey Trading Card
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Trading Card
David M'Closkey Trading Card
Highlights the appropriation of Asian imagery and transformation into stereotypical elements for commercial and racist purposes in Delaware.
Advertising trading card for David M'Closkey, a hatter in Wilmington Delaware in the 19th century. Census records show he worked as a hatter in 1880 on Market Street and was similarly listed on the Wilmington City Directory of 1883. On each of these documents, the last name is in long-form as McCloskey. McCloskey immigrated from Ireland before 1850, as this is the census he is first recorded. He has no ties to Asian heritage, but appropriated Asian imagery to market his business.
Wilmington, Delaware
Stereotypes, Asian
Physical dimensions: 4.80" H x 6.81" W.
University of Delaware Library
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