Portrait of William Henry Furrowh
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Portrait of William Henry Furrowh
Photographic portraits were more affordable than painted ones but also reflect the way sitters want to present themselves.
A sepia-toned portrait photograph of William Henry Furrowh dressed in a black suit with a patterned tie. Furrowh was a civil rights activist, involved in the NAACP and registered about 400 Wilmington members in the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA). He also served in a U.S. Army segregated labor unit as a pipefitter during World War I.
William Henry Furrowh
Black soldiers
U.S. Army
Segregated labor unit
World War I
World War 1
Physical Dimensions: Undetermined, please contact the publisher for more information.
Digital Dimensions: 370 x 530 px
Undetermined, please contact the publisher for more information.
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